Old Mill wardens

Updated on: 6 December 2023

Old Mill is in the centre of Dundee, close to the V&A Dundee museum and the royal research ship 'Discovery'.


The team is available 365 days a year:  

  • Monday to Friday, from 7,30pm to 7.30am  
  • Saturday and Sunday, from 7.30pm to 7.30am  

There is a daily drop-in session in the wardens’ office from 7.30pm to 8pm for in-person visits and calls on Microsoft Teams. The wardens’ office is on floor D, in the entrance hall. 


Phone: +44 (0)1334 464242  

Email: hallslifeoldmill@st-andrews.ac.uk

The team

Halls Life Coordinator

Dr Cassice Last

I am delighted to welcome you all to your new home in Old Mill Hall. We have a dedicated team of wardens who provide out-of-hours support and guidance to all our new and returning residents.

I have a keen interest in fostering community spirit and hall identity. I hope you will enjoy the many diverse events and activities we run throughout the year with members of the team and as part of the Halls Life programme. Please feel free to drop me a line at any time if you want a chat. 

Deputy Warden

Hollie Carter

Hi, I’m Hollie. I'm doing a PhD in Vision and Animal Camouflage. I love travelling, beach days and pub quizzes. If you’d like any Dundee recommendations ask away I love any excuse for a chat.

Assistant wardens

Cameron Dickie  

Hi! I’m Cam. I’m in the first year of my Social Anthropology PhD at St Andrews. When I’m not studying you can find me playing board games, looking for good movies, or daydreaming about my next road trip. One of my favourite things to do out here in Dundee is going for a wander around the city. There's nearly always something to see with all the events going on.

Klaudia Grat

Hi, I'm Claudia. I am doing a PhD in Social Anthropology, so you could say that I am a professional people observer. I adore reading, travelling, and hiking across Scotland. If you are ever in need of local cafe recommendations, do come for a "frothing" chat! 

Yingling Liao

Hi, I am Yingling. I like playing sports and instruments. I'm looking forward to seeing you at our events. 

Guide category

Student support