Financial support for staff or student projects and ideas

Updated on: 9 August 2024

Learn about the funding available to staff or students, individuals or groups, to support projects and other initiatives.

The University is committed to supporting and nurturing staff and student input and innovation. There are several funding streams individuals or groups can apply to depending on the nature and purpose of their project.

Please note that each fund may have specific application cycles and deadlines.

For staff and students

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) project fund 

Who can apply? 

Applicants must be current staff or students at the University of St Andrews. Collaborative applications that involve both staff and students, or that involve collaborations between Schools and or Units, are particularly encouraged. 

Applications that are led by individual students or groups of students need to specify how any relevant Students’ Association sub-committees or societies have been notified of, or involved in, the design of the project. In addition, student applicants may consider discussing their plans with any relevant member or members of University staff ahead of submitting an application.  


The University of St Andrews is committed to ensuring equality, celebrating and enhancing diversity, and creating an environment where all staff and students feel valued, respected and included. The University has created an EDI project fund, where staff and students can apply for funds to support projects and other activities that enhance equality and inclusivity within and beyond the institution. 

Maximum award 
  • Small awards: £500 
  • Large awards: £2,500 
Webpage and contact information

EDI Project Fund webpage, email   

Entrepreneurship Centre 

Who can apply? 

Students, staff and academics, depending on the fund.  


The Entrepreneurship Centre uncovers and nurtures the entrepreneurial spirit in students, academics, staff, and non-University members. Through programmes, one-to-one support, events, and competitions they provide tools, contacts, and funds to support you on your entrepreneurial journey and realise the commercial potential of your ideas or research. They help you develop successful, scalable, and sustainable start-ups and spin-outs, delivering real-world value and benefits.

Maximum award

Varies depending on the competition. Competitions run each semester with the latest information available online

Webpage and contact information

Entrepreneurship Centre, email  

Innovation voucher

Who can apply? 

Open to both staff and students.


The Scottish Funding Council, in collaboration with the University of St Andrews, is offering vouchers designed to support and amplify groundbreaking ideas from our research community. The Rapid Prototyping Centre (RPC) at Eden Campus can help with design services, 3D printing, PCB work, or other prototyping. This fund aims to foster innovation by covering the costs of prototype development. Approved projects receive a quote from the RPC, with a 10% discount on all labour and machine costs. Materials are charged at cost, and additional funding can be added if required

Complete the online form to apply. Include a concise summary your idea or project in less than 150 words.

There are 30 vouchers available. Applications will close on 31 December 2024 and will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Maximum award


Webpage and contact information

St Andrews Innovation, email

Scotland’s Future Series 

Who can apply? 

The project proposers must be either staff or students at the University of St Andrews. Colleagues from across Schools and Units and all students are invited to take part. Interdisciplinary projects are particularly encouraged.  


The University’s Scotland’s Future Series project demonstrates our commitment to playing an active role in developing Scotland’s future by enabling our staff and students to contribute to and facilitate wider discussions. It enables the University to take a position of ideas leadership on how to meet the challenges of the future.  

The Principal’s Office has created a £35,000 fund to showcase the work of our staff and students to support projects to enhance discussion and debate on issues pertinent to Scotland’s future.  

Projects can be wide-ranging, from think-pieces that could be developed into research papers, to hosting events and other engagement highlighting the work of staff and students to outside audiences including the local community. Since it was launched in January 2022, 24 projects have been funded and outreach has included involvement in the Edinburgh International Book Festival as well as events in parliament.  

Funding has also supported development of a podcast series which provides a showcase for many of the projects as well as a platform for discussion on the wider issues affecting Scotland and its future. 

Maximum award 

You can apply for funding of up to £1000 for small projects and up to £3500 for larger pieces of work that demonstrate visible interaction on a topic relating to Scotland’s future which engages audiences and stakeholders within and beyond the University. 

Webpage and contact information

Scotland’s Future Series webpages, email

St Andrews Enhancement Theme funding 

Who can apply? 

Collaborative applications from students and staff across the University of St Andrews are welcomed, particularly those that: 

  • encourage collaboration between disciplines 
  • are student-led or involve students 
  • bring together colleagues from different academic Schools and Units


This funding supports applications that identify and meet the emerging needs of our increasingly diverse student community. This year we have a particular focus on two aspects of the student experience: 

  • Student Belonging 
  • Digital Learning 
Maximum award


Webpage and contact information

Enhancement Theme webpages, email

St Leonards College funding 

Who can apply? 

Applicants must primarily be postgraduate students. The development fund is also open to applications from staff proposing projects related to the development of postgraduate students. Proposals are particularly welcome for projects which benefit postgraduate students in more than one School or Faculty.  


The University of St Andrews and St Leonard’s Postgraduate College are committed to attracting and supporting the very best students, regardless of financial circumstances. Scholarships reward academic excellence and are designed to help students support themselves during their time at university. 

Maximum award

Wide range depending on the scholarship or award. 

Webpage and contact information

St Leonard’s College funding opportunities webpage, email

For staff

Student Feedback Incentives fund

Who can apply? 

Current staff in professional service units.


The fund should be used by professional service units to gather feedback through activities such as focus groups and surveys. The aim should be to enhance the services they provide to the student community, with a focus on creating a culture of inclusivity.

All applications will be considered once a month on a case-by-case basis.   

Maximum award


Webpage and contact information

Student Feedback Incentives Fund webpage, email

CELPiE teaching, learning and higher education research fund 

Who can apply? 

Applications are welcome from any academic member of staff, whatever their contract type. Professional services staff and students are welcome as collaborators or co-leads, provided there is an academic (co)-principal investigator. Collaborations may include external partners, but the project outcomes must primarily relate to impact within the University of St Andrews.  


Teaching, Learning and Higher Education Research grants support collaborative research with a strong evaluative element, and which has significant potential to enhance education and produce research-outputs. Grants should consider one of the annual themes set by the CELPiE Steering group and membership. 

Maximum award


Webpage and contact information

CELPiE funding opportunities webpages, email   

CELPiE travel fund   

Who can apply? 

Applications are welcome from all academic and professional services staff (regardless of contract type). Research postgraduate students who teach are also welcome to apply, so long as attending the event is specifically to develop you as an educator. This fund is not appropriate for PGR students seeking to develop their research skills.  


The Community for Evidence-Led Practice in Education (CELPiE) Travel Fund grants can be used towards the costs associated with attending a single event relevant to evidence-led practice in education. 

Attending the event must provide clearly identifiable benefits to your current role and should support you to enhance teaching and/or support for student learning and/or the student experience at St Andrews. There must not be any comparable development opportunities already offered within the University. 

Maximum award


Webpage and contact information

CELPiE travel fund webpage, email   

Student Services 

Who can apply? 

Student Services staff.  


Student Services have two different internally processed funds which members of staff within Student Services can bid into with project proposals and ideas. 

Maximum award


Contact information

Katharine Cundill, email

For students

Student Activities fund  

Who can apply? 

Individuals or groups of students.  


The fund should be used to enhance the student experience for as many people as possible and create a culture of inclusivity. Preference will be given to projects that support the greatest benefit to the student body.

All applications will be considered once a month on a case-by-case basis.   

Maximum award


Webpage and contact information

Student Activities Fund webpages, email   

Students’ Association funding  

Who can apply? 

Students, student groups or affiliated societies depending on the fund.  


The Students’ Association provides several funds. A full list is on their website. 

Maximum award

Wide range depending on the award. 

Webpage and contact information

Student Association funding webpages, email

Links to external sites and information

The University is not liable for external web content and may not be aware when this content is changed or removed.

Guide category

Scholarships and funding