Check visa requirements to study in the UK

Updated on: 29 May 2024

Find out how to check if you need a visa and what type of visa you’ll need.

Most students from outside the UK will need a visa to study in the UK.  

Visit the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) website to check if you need a visa and what type of visa it should be.

International students coming to study at the University of St Andrews will normally need to apply for either a standard visitor visa or a student visa. The type of visa you’ll need depends on your nationality and the duration of your course. 

Not all nationalities need a visa.

Courses that typically require a standard visitor visa:

  • Study Abroad programmes that last one semester
  • Summer courses (except Academic English pre-sessional courses)
  • Junior semester abroad

If you are coming to the UK to present the viva for your PhD, you may need a standard visitor visa.

Courses that typically require a student visa:

  • A full degree
  • A year-long exchange
  • An Academic English pre-sessional course
  • An International Foundation programme

For questions or guidance on visa applications, email to contact the University’s Student Immigration Service.  

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