Connecting research and learning

The University of St Andrews is renowned for the quality and impact of both its research and teaching.

Across the University, interdisciplinary research focuses on seven priority areas:

  • peace, conflict, and security
  • cultural understanding
  • evolution, behaviour, and environment
  • materials for the modern world
  • health, infectious disease, and wellbeing
  • sustainability
  • engineering

The Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies' Masters degrees are aligned with these priority research areas and each degree draws on the expertise of researchers working in one or more of these areas. Seminars led by subject experts from different disciplines allow students to connect with researchers and to learn how that research is shaping thinking in their subject.

Module assessments provide training in research and enquiry skills, helping students to develop the capabilities needed for independent research. These assessments culminate in the end of degree project. The project takes the form of a period of supervised research where students explore a topic in depth. Through the project students demonstrate their ability to plan and manage a substantial research project, to apply relevant methodological techniques, and to analyse and present research findings.