Equality and diversity

The School of Geography and Sustainable Development is committed to creating an inclusive environment that supports equality and diversity. The School aims to achieve fair and equal representation for all, enabling all members of staff and students to contribute and reach their full potential. All staff operate under the University’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy.

The School is against any kind of discrimination and harassment on any basis, including but not limited to gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. For more information on what constitutes bullying or harassment, please see the University’s advice and support web page.

Report and support

If you need to report or talk with someone about issues relating to equality and diversity, please get in touch with either Mike Simpson (Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) or Dan Clayton (Head of School).

The Report and Support tool is available to report any concerns you have related to wellbeing, bullying, discrimination, abuse, assault or harassment of any sort. You can report anonymously or using your contact details. If you provide your contact details, a member of staff will be able to contact you to help provide support. This tool can be used by students, members of staff, members of the public or visitors to the University.

Mediation service

The Mediation Service is available to students, staff and members of the public, experiencing disagreement or conflict, who would prefer a less formal method of discussing University-related disagreements and grievances. The service is also available for groups or teams. 

The Mediators are staff members from The University of St Andrews who have undertaken formal mediation training accredited by Scottish Mediation. Several Post Graduate students have also qualified in Mediation. Mediators act impartially and separately from University Schools and Services. They are solely interested in helping those engaged in the service reach a mutually acceptable solution.

Mediation is a confidential, informal, voluntary, self-determined and without-prejudice process. If you or someone you know is involved in a disagreement that is in its early stages or has reached an impasse, please contact mediation@st-andrews.ac.uk for an informal chat about how the mediators can help.

Common areas

The School of Geography and Sustainable Development has a number of spaces within our building that are available for all staff, students and visitors to make use of for a diverse range of activities. Room 306 is provided as a quiet room for the purpose of breastfeeding, quiet contemplation or any other occasion when staff may benefit from privacy. The Playfair Room (room 329) is available to honours students throughout the day as a study commons. We also provide an accessible, gender neutral, ground floor bathroom which now includes a baby change table (room 212).