Exam resits
Reassessment exams are held each year in either the Extended May diet or the reassessment diet in August. Dates for the upcoming diets are listed under future exam diets.
Exams held in May will be offered both in person and online, depending on the module. Exams held in August will be offered in an online format only, and students are not expected to return to St Andrews to sit these exams.
Individual Schools may offer a resit exam in the Semester 2 diet at their discretion if the student qualifies for reassessment after the Semester 1 diet.
Registration and resit cost
Students scheduled for resit and/or deferred exams in institutional exam diets will receive an invitation to register for their exams after timetable publication.
Students taking resit exams must pay a fee at the time of registration. Students sitting deferred examinations will not be liable for a fee for those exams but must register in advance. The Exams Officer will provide further information about registration to students eligible for reassessment and/or deferred exams ahead of their exam diet.
Fee for reassessment exams:
- £20.00 general registration fee
- £20.00 registration fee per module