
The institutional Semester 2 exam timetable was published on 12 March 2025. Students should refer to their personal exam timetable for individual exam arrangements and any exams scheduled in the Extended May examination diet.

Students should note the following for Semester 1 and Semester 2 examination diets:

  • The Semester 1 and Semester 2 institutional examination diets will offer both in-person and online exams, depending on the module. For further information about exam formats, please check your School handbook and the exam timetable.
  • Students must ensure that they are aware of the assessment requirements and arrangements for their modules.
  • Students must make themselves available for the whole of the examination diets.
  • No adjustments will be made due to travel or sitting online exams in different time zones. Exams are offered in UK time only and must be started at the scheduled UK time.

Personal timetableExam preparation

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Please ensure you make the University aware of any circumstances affecting your ability to take examinations as soon as possible.