Health and safety
Health and Safety Management System
The University’s health and safety systems are based on the Health and Safety Executive’s ‘Managing for Health and Safety’ (HSG65) document. The purpose of this system is to ensure continuous improvement in health and safety standards within the University. The aim is to support and enhance the core activities within the University (teaching and research) as well as other activities to ensure that these are undertaken in a manner that is as safe as is reasonably practicable.
Managing for Health and Safety (HSG65)
The basis of the HSG management system is:
- To Plan
- To Do
- To Check
- To Act

The University proposes a management system which is as follows
- A University Health and Safety Policy which describes the health and safety objectives of the University and the arrangements for implementing these objectives.
- A series of ‘Sub-Policies’which support the main University Policy which are:
- Incident reporting and investigation;
- Fieldwork and Travel;
- Fire Safety;
- Risk Assessment;
- Health and Safety Training;
- Local Rules for work with ionising and non-ionising radiations;
- Occupational Health;
- Contractors;
- A large number of detailed guidances on how to comply with the main University Health and Safety Policy as well as the Sub-Policies.
- All significant work will then need to be assessed for risk and appropriate control measures including the use of Standard Operating Procedures as well as other controls will be put in place to make sure the risk to staff/students/visitors is eliminated or if this is not possible then minimised. All such risk assessments will need to be recorded.
- All staff should receive a level of health and safety training to ensure that they can undertake all the tasks being asked of them as safely as reasonably practicable.
- Each School / Unit will then have very detailed local arrangements and processes for compliance with University policies. These will be very specific for the School/Unit (thus the arrangements for School of Chemistry will be different than for the School of History)
- Performance - The aim of the University management system is to develop a feedback system that puts in place controls to eliminate or minimise risks, then measure the effectiveness of these controls. Where the controls fail, then specific recommendations should be made to make changes to the systems which will improve the controls.
- Accidents, Incidents, Near Misses- These show when systems have failed and investigations should show how to improve the systems. This is the first level of feedback in the system
- Inspections - Once the above systems are in place then it will be expected that Schools/Units will undertake inspections to make sure that the workplace is as safe as is reasonably practicable.
- Key Performance Indicators - To ensure that there is a continual improvement of health and safety standards which is a critical feature of the feedback system from HSG65, it will be a requirement that specific measurable targets are set. Completion (or not) of these targets will be a quantitative measure of the improvement of health and safety standards.
- Audits - The University (as internal auditors) or external auditors will then review compliance with the University policies and guidances as well as looking at inspections and KPI and the implementation of remedial actions.
Act on the checks on performance to continuously improve health and safety standards.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Organisation for implementation of this management system is detailed in the University Health and Safety Policy
Environmental Health and Safety Services
Environmental, Health and Safety Services is the Unit primarily responsible for the administration and implementation of the University's Health and Safety Policy.
In particular, this Unit manages:
- Provides advice to managers on health and safety matters.
- Provides advice direct to employees on health and safety problems.
- Monitors the effectiveness of the Health and Safety Policy of the University Court.
- Monitors workplace environments.
- Provides health and safety training courses.
- Provides a range of general health and safety services.
- Provides a Radiation Protection Service.
(Updated 08/03/2021)