Module results reporting
Each School (or department) should have an official designated member of staff who is responsible for signing off module results. The member of staff should be the Head of School, Director of Teaching, or an authorised examinations officer.
Reporting deadlines
Deadlines for reporting module results are available in the ‘Key dates and deadlines for staff’ document on the semester dates page.
How to report results
Schools must use the Module Management System (MMS) to report module results after exam diets in May, January and August. They should also use MMS to conclude deferred or undecided results.
After submitting modules results through MMS, Schools must also submit the following forms attesting the approval of the process by the Module Boards, including external examiners, to Registry (
Online or non-standard modules
For non-standard or online modules, Schools should also use MMS to report results.
However, Schools must first notify the assessment and awards team (email or phone +44 (0)1334 46 4100) before using the system so that they can ensure the appropriate functionality is available in MMS.
Grade descriptors
To report a module result, use the following module grades alongside the numeric marks from the common reporting scale.
Grade | Description | Numeric result |
P | Pass | 7.0 to 20.0 |
P | Pass for pass/fail modules | 0.0 |
F | Fail with right to re-assessment | 4.0 to 6.9 |
F | Fail with no right to re-assessment | 0.0 to 3.9 |
F | Fail for pass/fail modules | 0.0 |
X | Failed to meet module requirements Applies where a student has failed to complete the work of a module without good reason or where a student does not register for, or does not attend, any exam without good reason. The student is not entitled to a re-assessment opportunity for this module. |
0.0 |
D | Deferred Applies if there is a good medical or personal reason for a student’s inability to complete any part of the assessment requirements. Arrangements must be made locally to complete the assessment and report the deferred result. Please enter an expected date of submission for the deferred assessment. |
0.0 |
Z | No result reported, although expected Applies when a student’s module result is unresolved due to mitigating circumstances or some other valid reason. Please enter a brief comment and submit supporting documentation to Registry. This code should only be left temporarily on a student record. |
0.0 |
S | Special circumstances Applies if a student’s module was affected by special circumstances. The grade should not be altered but reported with the annotation ‘S’ (for example, ‘6.0 S’). |
0.0 to 20.0 |
V | Void Applies for mitigating circumstances where the module is not included in classification. |
0.0 |
A | Audited Applies to modules not taken for a grade or credit. |
0.0 |
PC | Grade capped Applies to modules capped due to academic misconduct. |
0.0 to 7.0 |
XC | Fail – academic misconduct Zero for the module with the right to retake the module for credit only. |
0.0 |
XN | Fail – academic misconduct Zero for the module and no right to take an additional module. |
0.0 |
XR | Fail – academic misconduct Zero for the module with the right to take an additional module for credit only. |
0.0 |