Annual Academic Monitoring

Annual Academic Monitoring (AAM) is an important University procedure for the quality assurance and enhancement of learning and teaching at St Andrews. The AAM process requires all Schools/Departments in the University to submit an annual report to the Academic Monitoring Group reflecting on their previous year's teaching. 

The Annual Academic Monitoring handbook outlines the process and timeline and offers guidance to Schools/Departments. The deadline for submission of the AAM report is in August each year.  Schools/Departments will be notified of the exact date in Semester 2. 

AAM dialogues are usually held in October or November each year. Those scheduled for a dialogue will be contacted once dates have been confirmed. Please refer to the AAM Dialogue schedule (Word) to check where your School/Department falls within the three-year cycle.

This regular monitoring of quality and standards is supplemented by a more thorough review, with external participation, every six years through a programme of University-led reviews of learning and teaching

AAM for new taught postgraduate programmes

As of AY 2023/24, new taught postgraduate (PGT) programmes are initially monitored under the University’s AAM process. Schools/Departments offering new PGT programmes are required to submit a short (two page) report for each new programme for three consecutive years from the programme’s start date.  

 In year four, a portfolio review of all new PGT programmes in their fourth year will take place over a specified day or days. This will consider the academic and business components of each programme and make recommendations about any changes needed for the future. 

 Guidance on the process can be found in the handbook: Review process for new taught postgraduate programmes.