
In semester 2 of academic year 2019-20, two major academic adjustments were introduced to mitigate for effects of the pandemic on students’ ability to study effectively. One reduced the threshold for entry to certain Honours programmes, while the other aimed to reduce the impact of any reduction in grades on students’ degree classifications, whilst at the same time reporting academically secure grades and retaining the value of your effort towards the module grades reported on your degree transcript.

It had been hoped that such measures would not be necessary in 2020-21, but this position has been reviewed in response to recent tightening of pandemic-related restrictions. It has now been decided to offer similar adjustments in 2020-21.

If you are studying towards an MBChB, these changes may not apply to you: you should refer to any specific guidance provided by your School.


If you have questions about how these measures will affect you, you can contact the Students’ Association at for independent advice on the process. Note that the Students’ Association has no role in decision making on S/SP-coding.