Meet the Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Education Team 

The Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Education team consists of the Associate Dean of Education (Arts and Divinity), teaching faculty members, staff members, and postgraduate and undergraduate students.  

As a team, we come from a variety of disciplines and international backgrounds. Together we work to creatively and collaboratively support students in their enterprise and entrepreneurial goals.  

We are the first to say it: ‘Enterprise is for everyone!’ 

Associate Dean of Education (Arts and Divinity) and Convenor for the Entrepreneurial Education Working Group 

Dr Gosia Mitka

Dr Mitka is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Economics and Finance. She is an international macroeconomist, and her research focuses on international policy cooperation. Through her position as the Associate Dean of Education (Arts and Divinity), Dr Mitka has many responsibilities such as fostering expertise in Learning and Teaching among academic colleagues, responding to issues raised by External Examiners, and our favourite, acting as a Convenor of the Entrepreneurial Education Working Group. Dr Mitka provides guidance, expertise, and big picture thinking that helps push our team to think outside the box on how to best support students in their enterprising and entrepreneurial initiatives.  

Entrepreneurial Education Developer 

Dr Shruti Narayanswamy

Dr Narayanswamy is at the heart of the Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Education team. She gained her PhD in Film Studies from the University of St Andrews in 2020. As the Entrepreneurial Education Developer, she develops, coordinates and promotes a range of Entrepreneurial Education activities and initiatives for staff and students at the University. This includes working with the Entrepreneurial Education Working Group and coordinating the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) programme. Dr Narayanswamy also manages the Summer Teams Enterprise Programmethe St Andrews Research Internship Schemeand the EE Staff Funding Scheme. As an active educator, Dr Narayanswamy acts as the convenor and lecturer for the sub-honours module 'ID2007: Enterprise and Creativity' in the School of Management.  

Entrepreneurial Education Project Officer 

Caroline McWilliams

Caroline is a PhD Candidate in Modern History with a professional background in logistics and administration. She is a former Postgradaute Academic Convenor at the Univeristy and has worked across the Careers, Development and Admissions professional services units. Caroline line manages the Social Media and Operations Coordinator and EE Interns and manages our programmes including Pecha Kucha and Enterprising Mind of the Year.

Social Media and Operations Coordinator

Priyansha Agarwal

Priyansha is a fourth-year undergraduate student at the University of St Andrews pursuing a joint-honours degree in Management and Psychology. Priyansha leads on all of our marketing and design work and helps liaise with other university departments. 

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Education Interns

Syrine Terki

Syrine is a second-year undergraduate student at the University of St Andrews pursuing a degree in History of Art and Philosophy.

Niamh Molloy

Niamh is a fourth-year undergraduate at the University of St Andrews pursuing a degree in International Relations and Social Anthropology.