Equality, diversity and inclusion

The University of St Andrews Business School is committed to creating an inclusive environment that supports equality, diversity and inclusion.

Everyone has the right to study and work in a supportive environment free from discrimination and harassment, regardless of race, religion, disability, ethnicity, and sexual identity or orientation.

The Business School aims to achieve fair and equal representation for everyone, enabling all staff and students to contribute and reach their full potential, and operates within the University’s equality and diversity inclusion policy.

Support resources for all staff and students

Report and Support is the University's online tool where staff, students and members of the community can report issues of bullying, discrimination, abuse, assault or harassment of any sort anonymously, or by reporting with contact details so an adviser can provide support.

The mediation service is for all students and staff and members of the public who are connected to the University who want to resolve a disagreement informally. The service is also available for groups or teams seeking a collaborative, inclusive framework for problem-solving issues.

The Diversity and Inclusion Calendar webpages bring together and promote diversity initiatives, projects and information from across the University. They include monthly themes with resources for fostering a culture of understanding and inclusion in work and study environments.