Dr William Hutchison

Dr William Hutchison

Principal Research Fellow

Research Fellow

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3929


Research areas

I am a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of St Andrews).

My research is focused on active and ancient magmatic systems. I am passionate about integrating geophysical, geochemical and geological data sets to understand the fundamental processes that drive magmatic systems, and how we can safely and sustainably develop the resources they offer.

Current reserach topics include rift volcanismvolcano monitoringgeothermal exploration and mineral resources.

My UKRI fellowship will establish new ice core geochemical techniques to understand the frequency and impacts of volcanism on Earth. I hope to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations between volcanologists, historians and paleoclimatologists to better understand the environmental and societal upheaval caused by large magnitude volcanic events.

I am always interested in recruiting postgraduate students to work on volcanism and magmatic processes. For more information just email me or take a look at our School website for current positions.

Personal webpage: https://willhutchgeo.wordpress.com/

PhD supervision

  • Curtis Rooks
  • Fawn Holland
  • Celeste Smith
  • Abate Melaku
  • Emily Jones
  • Rebecca Galbraith

Selected publications


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