FRESH 2025 symposium: Mining Battery Metals: What, how, where, sustainable?

21 February 2025
Mining Battery Metals: What, how, where, sustainable?
Weds 14th May 1-5pm, Bute Building, University of St Andrews
Metals such as lithium, nickel, and copper, underpin modern battery technology and are critical to global decarbonisation efforts. The majority of future supply will come from mining in developing nations, an activity associated with opportunities, but also significant issues including unregulated mining; environmental impacts; ‘conflict’ minerals; geopolitical clashes; and corruption.
This conference will explore what battery metals are and how they are used, the challenges of metals supply through the lens of geoscience and the societal, environmental, political, and economic impacts of mining these new technology metals which we urgently require for energy decarbonisation.
Registration (free): Link
Confirmed speakers include:
Fraser Gardiner, Aberdeen Minerals
Simon Jones, UCD
Farrell Gregory, University of Oxford
Kathryn Goodenough, British Geological Survey
Megan Leahy-Wright, RCS Global
Nick Gardiner, U. St Andrews