Video production at the University of St Andrews

The University of St Andrews has a dedicated in-house Video Producer ( in the Corporate Communications department. The producer's role is to create and support any video production using the University of St Andrews brand.

In addition to the in-house resource, there is a pool of approved external video suppliers who work to the University's standards. 

Request video

All video created must meet the University's quality, branding and accessibility standards and be signed off by the Video Producer before being published. 

If you would like to enquire about creating new video content, please fill in the video enquiry form.

The form allows for the Video Producer to monitor, assess and best route the request. The work will then be done either in-house, or via an external supplier (this may be a supplier you have a previous working relationship with that you wish to be involved in the project). 

If the video is being created by an external supplier, the Video Producer can support at the rough cut feedback stage by giving advice on whether the cut meets the University standards. This may save time later on. 

Publish video

Once the final cut is created, the video should be sent to the for approval and sign-off before it is made live. 

Staff in Corporate Communications are happy to help create a launch plan for video content and can provide recommendations on video titles, descriptions and other metadata in order to have the best online visibility. 

Signed-off videos can then be uploaded to the University of St Andrews YouTube channel by making a service request.

External video suppliers can find University assets and quality, branding, technical and accessibility standards on the video guidance page.