Leaving a gift in your will

By leaving a gift to St Andrews, you can become part of the University’s story and create a lasting impact for generations to come.                             

We know how important it is to ensure that family and friends are provided for, but please consider leaving the University a share of what is left. Every gift – large or small – helps us to transform lives, and a legacy of even a small percentage of your estate can make all the difference.

Pledging a legacy will cost you nothing today but will be of tremendous value to the University in years to come.

We established the Chancellor’s Circle in 2011 to recognise and thank those generous alumni and friends who have chosen to remember the University of St Andrews in their will during their lifetime.

All members receive regular donor communications and an invitation to annual events.

Read the latest issue of The Chancellor's Circle Legacy Newsletter below.

The Chancellor's Circle Legacy Newsletter - Issue 1 (PDF)

To find out more about leaving a legacy, view our brochure below or contact:

Katrina Bell (Legacies Manager)
Email: keb32@st-andrews.ac.uk 
Phone: +44 (0)1334 462105
Mobile: +44 (0)7565200707

Ailsa Gallie (Development Assistant)
Email: ab275@st-andrews.ac.uk 
Phone: +44 (0)1334 461915

legacies team

Remember a loved one

Plant a tree or dedicate a memorial bench or oak planter at the University of St Andrews.

Information for those in the US

Find out more about leaving a legacy for US donors.