About the Family Programme

The University of St Andrews is universally known as one of the top ranking UK universities, but what most people aren't aware of is the vital role that the parents and families of our current students have to play in supporting this closely knit community.

Development runs a very popular Family Programme for the parents and guardians of current undergraduate students. This enables our families to be part of the St Andrews community, keeps them up to date with developments at the University and provides ways they can contribute to and share in its achievements.

The Family Programme is free of charge. By registering, you will automatically receive:

  • membership of SPARC which entitles members of the extended St Andrews online alumni community to a range of benefits and services
  • two Link newsletters per year for the families of undergraduates at the University of St Andrews
  • a regular St Andrews in the News e-newsletter for alumni, friends and supporters around the world
  • a printed copy of Chronicle, the annual magazine for the alumni and friends of the University
  • invitations to our Parents' Receptions in St Andrews for the families of new incoming students
  • access to our online Love From Home service which we run in cooperation with Fisher & Donaldson, our local baker and confectioner, to allow you to send your loved ones treats during term time.

In addition, Family Programme members also have the opportunity to:

  • support student learning by contributing to the Family Book Fund. The Family Book Fund is a key initiative that enables the University Library to expand and enhance its academic collection so that students and academic staff can access the highest quality resources for their research. Donations go towards securing online literary manuscripts, collections of e-books and an extensive database of journals, surveys, photographs and reports published throughout the UK and overseas. Contributions make a tangible impact: a £50 gift goes towards the purchase of an undergraduate textbook for students to share within a module, £70 gives us access to an electronic source that hundreds of students can access and review simultaneously and £250 secures a highly-coveted or rare multi-volume journal or text. To donate to the Family Book Fund visit our online donation form and select Other from the Designation drop-down menu and enter Family Book Fund in the Other text field.
  • volunteer to become a member of Saint Connect, the e-networking and mentoring platform exclusively for the University of St Andrews community, to help assist current students and recent graduates in achieving their career aspirations.