Please help create ripples of impact: support a scholarship and shape the future – today

Scholarships create ripples of impact beyond the shores of St Andrews, empowering students to reach their potential, carry the St Andrews spirit into the world and bring about positive change.

They are able to do this not just because of the environment of excellence here at the University, but also thanks to a self-belief created by the support and close bonds of the local and global St Andrews community. Our students go out into the world buoyed up with the confidence and inspiration that this brings.

Scholarships rely on the power of collective giving and the majority of them are only possible thanks to the collective power and generosity of alumni like you. This is why any size of gift truly does make a difference. We have been able to welcome 172 new scholarship recipients to the University this year, and since 2018 we have helped more than 1,800 students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level to come here from all over the world and go on to create ripples of impact in their chosen careers.

Your support is needed more urgently than ever: still-increasing costs of living and learning, declining public investment in universities, and obstacles to international mobility, are just a few of the barriers that face students who could be pursuing life-changing, and world-changing, careers in their field.

Please help us to create ripples of impact by supporting a scholarship that could bring another world-changer to St Andrews. Together we can shape the future.

For more information about our Scholarships Appeal please contact Magdalena Croy at

A student in a red gown on the beach holding a University of St Andrews crest