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Suitable for Singing? An exploration of the Hymns of the Book of Revelation

Graham Deans, MLitt 2015

This Occasional Paper published by the Hymn Society of Great Britain & Ireland (of which the author has long been a member) suggests that the hymns contained in the oft-neglected and much misunderstood book of Revelation function rather like a dramatic musical, whose songs reinforce and re-emphasise its central message.

While not all of Revelation's hymns can be deemed to be suitable for singing by congregations, individuals, or choirs, they have proved to be a rich source of inspitation for hymn writers both ancient and modern. Their heavenly origin notwithstanding, the enduring value and the timeless significance of these hymns lie in the fact that they can provide much needed sustenance and encouragement to the faithful in times of danger and crisis - just as they were intended to do when they were first committed to writing.

ISBN: 978-1-907018-12-1
