Plucky Christian Ambi (short for Ambrosine) is attending a palaeontology course at Excelsis University. She arouses a lot of ridicule and hostility as, during the lectures, she questions the popular professor’s conventional evolutionary scenarios, briefly reporting modern scientific findings that disprove them. Students who are fans of the celebrity professor try to ridicule and intimidate Ambi and then humiliate her in several cruel ways. She is unfazed and bravely carries on in the face of animosity and eventually actual danger.
Good-looking Russell is a senior atheist student who is monitoring the same course. His main activity is research into finding effective treatments and means of extending human longevity. He also frowns on Ambi but does listen to what she says and defends her right to ask questions. The two encounter one another in several fraught situations. During their conversations they explore the differences between their world views. The question is: will he, an atheist, rescue Christian Ambi from the serious harm she is eventually threatened with? Read the book to discover if romance develops between them.
ISBN: 978-1-6667-6790-2