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The Five Stages of Moria: 'The Worst Refugee Camp on Earth'

Maryam Elika Ansari, MA Classical Studies - International Relations

The voices of Moria Refugee Camp are unified in their grief. Homes, hope, and dignity are lost in amongst squalid living conditions and the omnipresent void where the illusion of salvation once lived. Based on true stories, The Five Stages of Moria, resurrects the largest refugee camp in Europe. Described as the ‘worst refugee camp on Earth’ by its residents in BBC news reports and as a giant open-air ‘mental asylum’ by Doctors Without Borders, this book allows readers to bear witness to the monolithic trauma held within the notorious camp before it was burned to the ground in September 2020. In this blend of autobiography and fiction, readers not only meet five distinct characters who must grapple with the five stages of grief, but also the reality of a camp, and a world, in which they would otherwise be forgotten.

ISBN: 978-1-912092-04-8
