It Gets Easier
Tracey Egan, MA 1995
Nothing prepares parents for the moment when they leave hospital and arrive home responsible for the life of not one, but two newborn babies.
What happens next? How does it all work with twins?
Tracey Egan guides the exhausted parents of twins through those first days, weeks, and the crazy first year, when they are struggling to cope and need help but, most of all, they want to be reassured that ‘it gets easier’.
Drawing on personal experience It Gets Easier is a comprehensive guide to preparing for the arrival of twins and all the decisions that must be made after the birth: what baby equipment to buy, what to pack and have ready for when you go into labour, teething and sleeping and, most importantly, masses of
information that no-one ever thinks to tell the first-time mother.
It Gets Easier contains detailed guidance on everything that parents need to know - from changing nappies and feeding to routines and how to interpret your babies’ crying.
It Gets Easier supports and informs parents through the maze of choices, decisions and insecurities that will make up the first year. Above all the book reassures new parents that they are doing a good job, and that it will all get easier very soon.
ISBN: 9780285643246