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Things Held Dear: Soul Stories for My Sons

Roy Herron, No degree, 1975-76

"In the long tradition of southern writers, Roy Herron vividly depicts the people, places, and circumstances that tie him and his family to the South. He paints a loving yet honest portrait of what it is that defines the South -- those values that formed his own character and beliefs. In doing this he pays tribute to a culture and its values. 

"Herron's concern is community -- building it, maintaining it, reshaping it, including others in it, being assured by its presence and threatened by its absence. To that end he shares with us his own community and those life events that nurtured and shaped him, events that are part of his cultural heritage and that of other southerners as well. 

"These stories -- in Herron's words 'soul stories' because they are so close to his heart and the center of his being -- reflect the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of a genuine son of the South. At the same time, they speak to all of us who in our hearts nurture those memories of and loyalty to our own places held dear."

ISBN: 978-0664221478
