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Careers and Professional

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Title Author(s)
101 Executive Uses for a Square CamelRob Wherrett, BSc 1975
A Director's Guide to Governing Information Technology and CybersecurityNicholas Tate, BSc 1974
Aid and Development: A Brief IntroductionMyles Wickstead, MA 1974
Awaken Your Confidence: 15 People Share Their Journey to SuccessRachel Smets, MA 2008
BUSINESS WRITING TIPS; For Easy and Effective ResultsRobert Bullard, Economics, 1987
Credit Management in Law Firms Julia Walden, MA 1988
Crisis Readiness: How Business Leaders can better prepare for tomorrow from climate to cybersecurityJames Blake, 2007
Dictionary of Health EconomicsAlan Earl-Slater, B.Sc. Hons 1989
Economic Approaches to Intellectual PropertyNicola Searle, MSc 2006, PhD 2011
Ethical Issues in International Estate PlanningMichael Heimos, MLitt 2015
Family Life in West Africa - 50 stories about loving AfricaRobin-Edward Poulton, MA Hons 1969
Franchising - The key to rapid business growthManzoor G K Ishani, MA 1972
Frank H. Knight: Prophet of FreedomDavid Cowan, MLitt 2009 PhD 2013
Freedom of Information in Scotland in PracticeKevin Dunion, MA 1978; HonLLD 2011
Freedom Research in Education: becoming an autonomous researcher Karen McArdle, MA (Hons) 1979
From Here to There: A Niche Guide to Career TransitionsAnish Kaushal, BSc 2015
Gorilla GreekAnne Wright, MA 1993
Head over Heels; in the hotseat at Millfield School Christopher Martin, MA 1963
Hurry Up and WaitGeordie Stewart, MA 2013
Lay Involvement in Health and Other ResearchAlan Earl-Slater, B.Sc. Hons 1989
Lean Sigma--A Practitioner's Guide 2nd EdIan Wedgwood, B.Sc. 1990, Ph.D. 1994
Lean Sigma--Rebuilding Capability In HealthcareIan Wedgwood, B.Sc. 1990, Ph.D. 1994
Lessons from Koizumi-era Financial Services ReformsNaomi Fink, MA 1997
Living Abroad Successfully: What, Where, When, HowRachel Smets, Master of Letters in Management 2008
Marketing & economicsSultan Kermally, MA Ordinary/MA Honors 1964/1965
Mr. Putin: Operative in the KremlinFiona Hill, MA 1989
Multinational Enterprises and Transparent Tax ReportingJenni Muttonen, MA 2012 and Alexandra Middleton
Nationality and Statelessness in the International Law of Refugee StatusEric Fripp, MA 1990
Non-Citizens: Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping TaxationMichael Heimos, MLitt 2015
Pause for Breath: bringing the practitices of mindfulness and dialogue to leadership conversationsAmanda Ridings, BSc (hons) 1983
Productivity KnowhowDick Smythe, B Sc 1965
Radicalisation and Terrorism: A Teacher's Handbook for Addressing ExtremismAlison Jamieson, MA 1974
Rehumanizing Leadership: Putting Purpose Back into BusinessMichael Chavez, Junior Year Abroad, UCLA, 1986-1987
Ripple: The big effects of small behaviour changes in businessApril Vellacott, BSc 2014, and Jez Groom
Scotland 2070 - Healthy | Wealthy | WiseHillary Sillitto, BSc 1976, Ian Godden, and Dorothy Godden
Second Language Students in English-Medium Classrooms - A Guide for Teachers in International SchoolsCoreen Sears, MA 1965
Streetwise: How Taxi Drivers Establish Customers' Trustworthiness Heather Hamill, MA 1992
Tennessee Political HumorRoy Herron, Rotary International Fellow 19
The Coming Economic Implosion of Saudi Arabia: A Behavioural PerspectiveDavid Cowan, MLitt 2009 PhD 2013
The Compleat BizRob Wherrett, BSc 1975
The emergence of post-hybrid identities: a comparative analysis of national identity formations in Germany’s hip-hop cultureMarissa Kristina Munderloh, M.Litt 2010, PhD 2015
The Experience of Language TeachingRose(mary) Senior, MA 1964
The Handbook of Clinical Trials and Other Research Alan Earl-Slater, B.Sc. Hons 1989
The Hoods: Crime and Punishment in Belfast: Crime and Punishment in BelfastHeather Hamill, MA 1992
The Logic of Charity: Great Expectations in Hard TimesBeth Breeze, MA 1995
The Loyalist Team: How Trust, Candor, and Authenticity Create Great Organizations Linda Adams, MA 1977
The Multilingual Mind: a Modular Processing PerspectiveMichael Sharwood Smith, MA 1966
The Nine Types of LeaderJames Ashton, MA 1997
Three False Convictions, Many Lessons - The Psychopathology of Unjust ProsecutionsDavid Anderson, MB ChB 1963
Time for Reflection. A Guide to School Chaplaincy and Spiritual Development.Stephen Younger, MA 1982
War DoctorDavid Nott OBE FRCS, BSc 1979
Weekly Leadership ContemplationsAmanda Ridings, BSc 1983
When Millennials Take Over: Preparing for the Ridiculously Optimistic Future of BusinessMaddie Grant, MA 1994
Write Short Stories and Get Them PublishedZoe Ann Fairbairns, MA 1972