Dr Ruth Hoffmann

Dr Ruth Hoffmann


Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3691



I am a Lecturer at the University of St Andrews. My research interests lie in computational combinatorics, graph theory, permutation classes, computational group theory and formal verification.

During my PhD I've investigated the regular language of permutation pattern classes and identified the encodings of sets of permutations with certain properties.

While a researcher I worked on verifying UAV scenarios, memory consistency models, and cache coherence protocols using formal methods, such as model checking. In addition, I have used constraint programming to generate litmus tests for MCMs and CCPs.

More recently, and in line with my main research interests I have been working on improving combinatorial search for graph problems.


I teach modules which involve theoretical computer science:

  • CS2001 -- Foundations of Computation
  • CS1003 -- Programming with Data

Past Teaching:

I used to oversee the Graduate Apprenticeship degree (BSc Data Science) and taught:

  • CS3052 -- Computational Complexity
  • IS5104 -- Information Security Management

Research areas

My research interests lie in computational combinatorics and group theory, graph theory, permutation classes and formal verification.

In particular, I am interested in engineering efficient algorithms (such as combinatorial search) for graph problems (e.g. subgraph isomorphism problem), group problems (e.g. finding stabiliser chains) and permutation classes (e.g. language of simple permutations).

PhD supervision

  • Joseph Loughney

Selected publications


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