Dr Blesson Varghese

Dr Blesson Varghese


Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3262



Blesson Varghese is Reader in the School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews. He directs the Edge Computing Hub funded by Rakuten, Japan.

He was the recipient of the 2021 IEEE Rising Star Award and a Royal Society industry fellowship to British Telecoms plc, UK. His research interests are in developing large-scale distributed systems spanning the cloud and the edge of the network and has academic, industry and consulting experience in multiple continents.

He has featured in 'Clouded', a documentary on the cloud produced by Hewlett Packard and VMWare, and has interviewed on broadcast media.

Find more information on his personal homepage or Google Scholar profile


I teach CS5052: Data-Intensive Systems that focuses on the design of large-scale distributed systems encompassing the cloud and the edge. 

I also supervise undergraduate and postgraduate projects. 

Research areas

My research focuses on addressing systems-related challenges for developing large-scale distributed systems, specifically those encompassing the cloud and the edge of the network. My current interests are in unlocking the scientific and societal potential in 'Edge computing', referred to as the next Internet frontier. 

PhD supervision

  • Dhananjay Saikumar
  • Zihan Zhang
  • Bailey Eccles
  • Jiawei Luo

Selected publications


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