Visiting postgraduate students

The School welcomes postgraduate students from other institutions for periods of study in St Andrews. The School offers supervision by members of academic staff, depending on their availability.

Previously, visitors have come from the Netherlands, Spain, Australia, Germany and Denmark.

Erasmus exchanges

St Andrews has Erasmus agreements with the Universities of Leiden and Cologne. The Leiden agreement covers the Schools of Classics, Art History, Divinity and History. The Cologne agreement is for History, including Ancient History.

Students coming under this arrangement should:

  • Discuss what teaching the School can offer by emailing the School's postgraduate secretary at
  • Ensure that the teaching is acceptable to the authorities at their home university.
  • Complete the Erasmus application form supplied by their home university.

Erasmus students are not charged tuition fees by St Andrews.

Other visiting postgraduates

If you want tuition or supervision during your stay, please contact your potential supervisor to find out if they are available.

All visitors: please fill out the Visiting Scholar Notification Form (.docx) and email it to the postgraduate secretary at Please complete only as far as the first part of item 3, and save as a Word document, not a pdf.

The School will decide whether to charge fees to cover tuition and facilities. The annual rates can be found in the University's visiting scholar information. Visitors for periods of less than a year pay pro rata. If a fee is charged, the minimum fee is for three months.

Find out more about the University's policies on visitors.


Please view the University's accommodation service for assistance with accommodation.

Occasionally, existing postgraduates in the School may know of rooms available for short term let. Please email the postgraduate secretary at if you would like the School to make enquiries.