Prof Carlos Machado

Prof Carlos Machado


Professor of Ancient History

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 2603



I gained my DPhil in Ancient History from the University of Oxford in 2006, after having studied History in Niterói (UG) and Economic History in São Paulo (MSc), Brazil. I was a fellow at the British School at Rome (2006-2008) and a Humboldt Fellow at the Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik at the University of Heidelberg (2008-2009). Before coming to St Andrews in January 2015, I was a lecturer at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (2010-2013) and the Universidade de São Paulo (2013-2015).


I teach all periods of Roman history at undergraduate and graduate level. At honours level, I teach the following modules:

AN4155 - Religious communities in the late antique world

AA4001 - Cities and urban life in Late Antiquity

AA4002 - From Pompeii to Aquileia: the Archaeology of Roman Italy

AN4331 - Poverty and social life in Late Antiquity

I also teach in AN3034 - Approaches to Ancient History, a module offered to junior honours students taking Ancient History.

Research areas

I am a Roman historian whose work focuses mainly on the late antique period, with particular emphasis on Rome and Italy. I have published works on the evolution of late antique Rome's urban space, the senatorial aristocracy, Christianity and religious change, honorific monuments and civic life, and on houses and domestic spaces. I am currently preparing works on the history of poverty in Late Antiquity and the role played by portraits and visual culture in the urban life of late antique Italy.

PhD supervision

  • Niels Arends
  • Deanna Cunningham
  • Ian Bonze
  • Erin Limmack

Selected publications


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