School of Classics: approach to core hours and flexible working

This document seeks (in the context of the University’s core hours policy and our legal commitments in relation to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity) to lay out a set of principles and practical recommendations that should be adopted in relation to the scheduling of meetings, events, and teaching. No such document could hope to anticipate all possible scenarios. The overriding principles that should be followed are:

  • The need to show respect for, and sensitivity to, the individual circumstances of, and pressures attendant on, all colleagues (both Academic and Professional Services Staff).
  • The smooth functioning of the School: the students’ experience of teaching, the enabling of staff research, the efficient functioning of assessment, and – more widely – the maintenance of a friendly, constructive working environment.
  • The requirement (on the part of all colleagues) for prompt and clear communication.

V1.0: May 2020.
V1.1: September 2024.