Dr Andreas Stasch

Dr Andreas Stasch

Reader in Chemistry

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3382



Andreas studied chemistry at the University of Göttingen (Germany) and completed his chemistry diploma (Dipl.-Chem.) in 2000 and his Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) in 2003 under the supervision of Prof. Herbert W. Roesky. He conducted postdoctoral research with Prof. Cameron Jones at Cardiff University (2004-2006), including a stay with Prof. Peter C. Junk at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) in 2005. Between 2007 and 2016, he held ARC-funded research fellowships (ARF, Future Fellowship) at the School of Chemistry, Monash University. Since 2016, he is a Reader at the School of Chemistry at the University of St Andrews. In 2010 he was awarded the Alan Sargeson Lectureship and in 2014 the Organometallic Chemistry Award by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Andreas' group works in numerous areas of molecular inorganic and organometallic chemistry with a focus on the main group elements. Of particular interest are novel low oxidation state compounds, metal hydride complexes, main group organometallics and their stoichiometric and catalytic reactivity.


Andreas teaches at both sub-honours and honours level and lectures in CH2501 (Inorganic Chemistry 2), CH3512 (Organometallic Chemistry, Module convenor) and CH4515 (Advanced Main Group Chemistry). Andreas also contributes to the laboratory components of CH1401 (Introductory Inorganic and Physical Chemistry) and CH3521 (Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory), tutorials for various modules, as academic monitor for external placements and various module assessments.

Research areas

We study various research themes in synthetic molecular inorganic and organometallic chemistry with elements from across the periodic table, especially with compounds and complexes of main group elements. Many main group elements are highly Earth abundant, cheap, non-toxic and even biocompatible, and thus are ideally suited for sustainable applications. We discover and investigate fundamentally new compound classes including those with elements in rare oxidation states, unusually bonded fragments and reactive metal hydride species. These generally show novel structures, have unseen properties and as a consequence often show a unique reactivity. We employ these compounds in synthesis, catalysis and towards other applications.

PhD supervision

  • Samuel Thompson
  • Huanhuan Dong
  • Nikita Demidov

Selected publications


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