Pastoral care
We offer pastoral support to help you navigate any problems you face, regardless of faith or philosophy of life. If you or someone you know is in the hospital, please let us know. The Chaplains are glad to visit, especially when individuals are far from home. Our role is to offer care to any member of the University community, and we rely on you to help us care. Appropriate confidentiality will be maintained.
To make an appointment:
- Phone: 01334 462866 or 462492
- Email:
You can also contact the Chaplain, Revd Dr Donald MacEwan, and Assistant Chaplain's Revd Giles Dove, Revd Samantha Ferguson, directly, regardless of faith or philosophy of life. This could be
- a sympathetic listening and confidential ear
- someone to talk to in a crisis
- a sounding board
- hospital visits for you or someone you know
- support in emotional or spiritual issues
- space to search for the meaning of life
- support when all else fails
- space for you to explore your faith or philosophy of life (of whatever kind).
The chaplains also offer confidential and non-judgmental support on questions of sexuality, gender, race, and ethnicity.
Muslim students with questions relating to their sexuality are also welcome to approach the Honorary Islamic Chaplain to the University, Imam Vali Hussain, The Imaan website also offers support.
In case of an emergency, the University Chaplain can be contacted on 07713 322036 in the evening or at weekends.