Local churches
The town of St Andrews and the surrounding area is home to a number of churches and faith communities. Information and contact details are provided below.
University Chapel
St Salvator’s Chapel serves the whole University community, hosting ecumenical services led by the University Chaplain, Reverend Dr Donald MacEwan and Assistant Chaplain, Revd Giles Dove and Revd Samantha Ferguson.
The Chapel sees a lively schedule of worship, centring on a weekly Sunday liturgy at 11am, during term time, with the renowned St Salvator’s Chapel Choir, congregational hymns and a visiting preacher. An optional service of Holy Communion follows the main liturgy, and refreshments are served each week. Gowns are encouraged, and many members of the congregation can be seen participating in the famous pier walk, which takes place immediately after the service.
The Chapel also holds weekly services of Choral Evensong on Wednesdays and Sundays at 5:30 pm.
Find out more about worship in St Salvator's Chapel.
St Salvator's Chapel
North Street
St Andrews
KY16 9AHFor contact email and telephone numbers for the Chaplaincy secretaries, University Chaplain, and Assistant Chaplains, please visit the Chaplaincy Contact webpage.
University Chapel
This small chapel is a hidden gem in the grounds of St Leonard’s School, but belonging to the University. Every week Compline is held weekly on Thursdays during term time.
Find out more about worship in St Leonard's Chapel.
St Leonard's Chapel
The Pends
South Street
St Andrews
KY16 9QUFor contact email and telephone numbers for the Chaplaincy secretaries, University Chaplain, and Assistant Chaplains, please visit the Chaplaincy Contact webpage.
St Andrews Baptist Church is a growing evangelical congregation with a mixture of ages and is delighted to have many students worshipping with them, both undergraduate and postgraduate. The church has a heart to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the town. Sunday services take place in their South Street building and are streamed online. Find out more about Sunday worship information.
St Andrews Baptist Church
123 South Street
St Andrews
KY16 9EWPhone: +44 (0)1334 47 2285
Facebook: St Andrews Baptist ChurchMinister: Pastor Abi Ngunga
Church of Scotland
Holy Trinity is a congregation of the Church of Scotland located in the centre of St Andrews. They are family-focused and welcome students. Holy Trinity Church, St Andrews, is also linked with Boarhills & Dunino. Find out more about worship information at the Holy Trinity Church.
Holy Trinity Church
South Street
St Andrews
KY16 9NLPhone: +44 (0)1334 47 8317
Facebook: Parish Church of the Holy Trinity, St AndrewsLocum Minister: Marion Paton
Email: mjpdht@gmail.com -
Church of Scotland
St Mark's Church (formerly Hope Park and Martyrs Church) is a merger of two congregations, linked with Strathkinness Parish Church. There are a number of clubs and groups which students are warmly welcomed to join. Find out more about worship at St Mark's Church.
St Mark's Church
St Mary's Place
St Andrews
KY16 9UYPhone: +44 (0)1334 47 8411
Facebook: St Mark's Church, St AndrewsLocum Minister: Rev Dr Janet Foggie
Email: locum@stmarkschurch.org -
Church of Scotland
St Leonard’s Parish Church has been described as ‘the hidden gem of churches in St Andrews’ with an inclusive and open congregation with family at its heart - a fellowship in the Presbyterian tradition. The church office is open Wednesday to Friday. Find out more about worship information at St Leonard's Church.
St Leonard's Church
Donaldson Gardens
St Andrews
KY16 9DNPhone: 07871 871740
Email: stlencam@gmail.com
Facebook: St Leonard's and Cameron Parish ChurchesMinister: Rev Graeme Beebee
Phone: +44 (0)1334 47 2793
Email: GBeebee@churchofscotland.org.uk -
Cornerstone St Andrews is an evangelical church, in the Presbyterian tradition, and part of the United Free Church of Scotland. Cornerstone was birthed out of a passion to see every member of God’s people equipped to be who God made them to be, doing what God made them to do, where God has called them to be - to God’s glory. Find out more about worship information at Cornerstone.
Email: cornerstonestandrews@gmail.com
Facebook: Cornerstone St Andrews -
All Saints’ Church is an Episcopal/Anglican congregation in the Anglo-Catholic tradition comprised of a friendly community of town and University people. The life of this church is centred around daily prayer and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The church is open from morning until evening every day for private prayer and reflection. All are welcome. Find out more about worship information at All Saints' Episcopal Church.
All Saints' Episcopal Church
North Castle Street
St Andrews
KY16 9BGFacebook: All Saints' Episcopal Church, St Andrews
Rector: The Rev Canon Dr Alasdair Coles
Phone: +44 (0)1334 47 3193
Email: rector@allsaints-standrews.org.uk
Email: admin@allsaints-standrews.org.uk -
St Andrew’s Episcopal Church is situated in the heart of the town and is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion of Churches. There is a mixed congregation from many different walks of life, discovering together what it means to worship, love and serve God in the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow up together into the fullness of the stature of Christ, and to love those whom God has given us: fellow-Christians, neighbours, co-workers, and strangers. All are welcome to join. The church office is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9am to 12pm. Find out more about worship information at St Andrews Episcopal Church.
St Andrews Episcopal Church
Queens Terrace
St Andrews
KY16 9QFPhone: +44 (0)1334 47 3344
Email: office.stasstas@gmail.com
Facebook: Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, St AndrewsRector: The Very Revd Prof Trevor Hart
Phone: 07543 22259
Email: rector.stasstas@gmail.com -
Free Church
St Andrews Free Church passion is to know Jesus and make him known. Made up of people of all ages and stages of life and from many different nationalities; a mixture of local residents and students; a combination of young believers, mature Christians and those investigating the Christian faith for the very first time. Find out more about worship information at St Andrews Free Church.
Facebook: St Andrews Free Church
Senior Minister: Paul Clarke
Email: paul@standrewsfreechurch.co.uk -
Greek Orthodox
All are welcomed to experience the rich traditions of the Eastern Orthodox Church here in the town during Liturgy Services in the University Chapel of St Leonard, situated near the cathedral. The small but active congregation is made up of both local people and students and welcomes all who wish to participate in their life of worship and prayer. Find out more about Orthodox Liturgies.
St Leonard's Chapel
South Street
St Andrews
KY16 9QUPriest: The Very Rev Archimandrite Avraamy Neyman
Phone: +44 (0)1382 29 3733
Email: xaneyman@yahoo.co.uk -
Latter Day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) offers a refuge from the chaos of everyday life. Attending church services gives time to focus on worshipping God and loving our neighbours. It’s a spiritual recharge and a perfect way to help keep Jesus front and centre in our lives. Find out more about worship information at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Bingham Terrace
DD4 7HH -
Dundee Methodist Church is part of the Angus, Dundee and Perthshire Methodist Circuit, belongs to the Synod of the Methodist Church in Scotland, and is part of the Methodist Church in Britain. They worship jointly with the congregation of Salem URC on the first Sunday of each month. Find out more about worship information at Dundee Methodist Church.
Dundee Methodist Church
Minister: Rev Nick Baker
Phone: +44 (0)1382 731342
Web: dundeemethodist.org.uk/contact-find-us/Dr Sue Jansen is a retired Methodist minister with wide-ranging ecumenical and international contacts. She spent 15 years working in Latin America, 5 in Peru and 10 in Argentina. Her research interests are in the field of liberation theology within Latin America. Students are welcome to contact her by phone, 07849 398553 or email, suejansen934@yahoo.com.
RCCG City of Joy
RCCG City of Joy St Andrews' vision is to spread the love of God and the Gospel of Christ in St Andrews and to provide hope and a safe haven for the lonely and disillusioned. They hold regular meetings in the atmosphere of love and unity. A caring community of Christians committed both to ensuring the welfare of their members and to contributing to the welfare of those around them. Find out more about worship at RCCG City of Joy.
RCCG City of Joy, St Andrews
Cosmos Community Centre
Abbey Walk
St Andrews
KY16 9LBEmail: info@rccgstandrews.org.uk
Facebook: RCCG St Andrews -
Religious Society of Friends
St Andrews Quaker Meeting welcomes visitors and enquirers. Meetings for Worship are based on silence – a silence of waiting. Silent worship and the spoken word are both parts of Quaker ministry. Anyone is free to speak, to pray or read aloud, as long as it is done in response to a prompting of the spirit which comes in the course of the meeting. Afterwards, you will be warmly welcomed to join for refreshments and conversation. Find out more about worship information at the Religious Society of Friends.
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Friends Meeting House
2 Howard Place
St Andrews
KY16 9HLEmail: outreach@quaker.org.uk
Local contacts- Lesley Stevenson, ls@st-andrews.ac.uk
Roman Catholic
St James' Church is the Catholic Church in St Andrews, and as such its services follow in the same traditional liturgy and form as all Catholic churches worldwide. It is located on the Scores, and its garden has stunning views of the sea, beach, and hills beyond. Come and join in the parish community as we celebrate Mass every Sunday as well as each day during the week; services that are especially noteworthy for their traditional reverence and central primacy of the Eucharist. Confession is available on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and the parish priest, Father Michael, may be consulted for the other sacraments. Find out more about Mass at St James' Church.
St James' Church
The Scores
St Andrews
KY16 9ARPhone: +44 (0)1334 472856
Web: www.stjamesparishstandrews.org.ukPriest and Honorary Catholic Chaplain: Monsignor Patrick Burke
Phone: +44 (0)1334 47 2856
Email: pjb31@st-andrews.ac.uk -
Seventh Day Adventist Church
The Church is the community of believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. In it, men and women join together for worship, fellowship, instruction in the Word, the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, service to our neighbours, and the worldwide proclamation of the Gospel. Find out more about worship information at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Rennell Road
DD4 7DU -
Unitarian Christian
Dundee Unitarians are a community that exists to celebrate and explore the meaning of life and encourage freedom of thought by giving respect to all religions and philosophies. Everyone is welcome to join us irrespective of gender, faith, ethnicity or sexuality. Find out more about worship information at the Unitarian Christian Church.
Williamson Memorial Unitarian Christian Church
Dudhope Street
DD1 1JTPhone: 07759 965955
Local contact
Rev Dr Rob Whiteman
Email: dundeeunitarians@gmail.com -
The Kingdom Vineyard is a church that exists to help people make connections with God. Meeting weekly on Sunday mornings, with smaller meetings during the week in people’s homes. At both types of meetings, we seek ‘a real meeting with God and with each other', through worship, prayer, Bible study, social events, care for one another and for our community. Find out more about worship information at the Kingdom Vineyard.
Phone: +44 (0)1334 47 4940
Email: office@kingdomvineyard.com