Summer Teams Enterprise Programme 2025

Are you an undergraduate student? Do you want to develop a range of Graduate Attributes and nurture your employability in summer 2025?

The Summer Teams Enterprise Programme 2025 is an opportunity for undergraduate students to invest 7 weeks in participating in a fully-online skills development programme, where they will work on a real-life project designed and supported by University staff, gain virtual team-work experience in a group of diverse students, contribute to the University’s learning and teaching through working on impactful outputs, and get this experience listed on their HEAR transcript.

Sponsors call for projects close 14 April at 5pm. Please email for more information.

2025 dates:

  • 17:00 BST on Monday 14th April: Call for projects closes for sponsors
  • Tuesday 15th April: Student applications open
  • 23:59 BST on Monday 5th May: Student applications close
  • Monday 26th May: Student Welcome and Programme Briefing
  • Monday 26th May to Monday 14th July: Core 6-weeks of the programme
    • 16th-22nd June: Reading Week
  • Monday 15th to Monday 21st July: Final week to wrap-up and submit/present outputs to sponsors
  • Monday 4th August: STEP closing ceremony and awards

STEP 2024 projects:

Past projects:

How does STEP work?


  1. If selected, students are placed in a remote project team of six or seven undergraduate students, based on time-zone and project preferences.
  2. Each team will be given a real-life project to work on, each sponsored by a staff member(s) at a University School/Department.
  3. Students commit to viewing/attending a recording/workshop each week, themed around the University’s Graduate Attributes. They will also commit to completing a reflective log on Moodle each week, reflecting on how the team project is helping them develop that week’s highlighted Graduate Attribute.
  4. Students will agree to a social contract to ensure that they are engaging with the group work and completing all required aspects of STEP. The Social Contract can be viewed here.
  5. The programme comprises of 7 core weeks of project work and the weekly workshops (Monday 26th May to Monday 14th July, including a Reading Week), followed by a further week (Tuesday 15th to Monday 21st July) where teams will finish and submit the project output to your team’s sponsor. The output can take varied forms, such as a research report, video, creating an educational resource which will be used at the University, a piece of creative work or a website.
  6. At the end of the programme, students can also complete a blog post where you will choose one Graduate Attribute to focus on and reflect on how STEP helped them develop this particular attribute.
  7. If students complete all the skills workshops and reflective elements of the programme they will receive a certificate and electronic badge for their LinkedIn profile, along with guidance as to how they can articulate this experience in future job applications. Additionally, if they complete the blog post, STEP will be listed on their HEAR transcript. There are also individual and team prizes on offer.

Time Commitment

The typical minimum time commitment is 4-6 hours/week over the course of 7 weeks of the programme. This time commitment might be higher towards the end of the programme as the teams work towards completing the outputs.

How do I apply?

Please fill out the STEP Application Form. Before proceeding to the application form, please ensure that you've carefully read the descriptions for all the projects below, as you'll be asked to indicate your first and second preference. The deadline for applications is 23:59 BST on Monday 5th May 2025 (so you also have the entirety of 5th May). Applications will open Tuesday, 15th April 2025.


How long is the course?

7 weeks (4-6 hours per week)

What is it classified as? Is it an internship or paid?

This is a skills development course, not an internship and not paid. We hope that by participating in STEP you will develop valuable and employable skills that you can use in your future internships and careers!

What recognition would I gain from this?

STEP will be listed in your official HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) Transcript! You will also receive a LinkedIn badge, be able to add this to your CV, and you can potentially win one of our many awards if you’re selected at the end of the programme.

How much time am I expected to put into this overall?

A minimum of 4-6 hours a week, no maximum amount of time

Are there any benefits of participating in STEP a second time?

Yes! You can work on a completely different project, meet different people and develop new transferable skills while practicing the original skills you developed the first time you participated in STEP.

Who will be teaching the skills workshops?

Beyond meeting with your team weekly, you will be able to attend skills workshops hosted by our STEP Management Team, including the coordinator of STEP, Matilda Nevin.

Will my group's final work be taken into consideration to make real changes at the University?

Absolutely! One of the things that sets STEP apart as a development programme is its encouragement of taking projects beyond the programme they originated in. Many of our projects have continued into the following academic year as conferences, showcases, podcasts, and have even influenced modules running in the University. Your project can truly take on a life of its own beyond STEP!

Can I participate in STEP while having another internship or job?

STEP is a part-time commitment, so you can still maintain another internship or job alongside it. Furthermore, contact hours with your project team are not set in advance. You can coordinate with your team members and project coach to set meeting times that work for you and your other commitments.

Any other questions?

Please direct them to

2024 projects

St Andrews Biodiversity Trail: improving nature literacy among students

Decolonising mathematics teaching: accessible resources for a willing sceptic

Musical interventions and impacts: evaluating year four of the StAMP initiative

Teaching ancient war and peace

Art and Wellbeing

Building graduate attributes through club and society participation

The women artists of the Recording Scotland project

Diving into Data

Healthcare Translation Task Force

Plugging the gaps on Wikidata

Being a Good Sport – Investigating how the St Andrews Business School can enter the field of Sports Management Education

Website Enhancement: Exploring Chinese Art in Scotland

Transitions to University: language and learning

Wardlaw Museum - engaging young audiences through creative learning

Understanding and Improving Student Representation in the School of Classics

A place for free speech: creating a digital newspaper

Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindset in Chemistry Higher Education

Online Primary Source Book for Ancient Environmental Studies

Antibiotics under our feet

Keeping cinema still: the history of magic lantern projection in cinema halls

Adding Ukrainian translations to Glosario - an open source glossary of terms used in computing and data science

CEED resources for incoming students who commute