Technology Enhanced Learning

The Technology Enhanced Learning division provides training and support to staff and students. 

The Digital Learning Environment

  • MySaint: The gateway to web based services within the University of St Andrews.
  • Module Management System (MMS): Used for management and administration of modules ensuring compliance with Institutional and Governmental regulations.
  • Moodle: Used to deliver module teaching content and training courses.
  • Panopto: Lecture capture system used to create, store and share recorded teaching and video content.
  • Vevox: Audience engagement platform for polling, Q&A and surveying students.
  • Gradescope: Marking and Feedback platform for Class Tests and Coursework.
  • Microsoft Teams: For communication and delivering hybrid or remote teaching.
  • Turnitin: Similarity detection software integrated with and accessed via MMS and Moodle.

Access our resources for new and returning staff.

Courses and workshops

Improve your IT skills and competency in the use of learning technologies by attending a training course. View what's on offer and book using the Personal Development Management System (PDMS).

Jisc discovery tool

Use the Jisc discovery tool (available to students and staff) to self-assess and explore your digital capabilities. Learn more about the tool.

Get involved

Keep up-to-date with Technology Enhanced Learning news as well as sharing knowledge and experience with colleagues by joining the Hive Microsoft Team.