Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP)

In AY2024-25 the start date for the PGCAP will change from September to January.

The PGCAP is a collaboration between the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute (formerly the Centre for Educational Enhancement and Development), the Office of the Vice Principal Education, Schools and Units and draws on the expertise of academic and professional colleagues from across the University.

This is a free professional practice programme for all staff at St Andrews who are engaged in university teaching or supporting student learning in a direct student-facing role, regardless of contract type or level of experience. The aim is to give colleagues a supportive space in which they can develop as reflective practitioners in a collegiate, interdisciplinary community, exploring and developing different aspects of their practice in dialogue with peers.

So long as the necessary module pre-requisites have been met, staff can choose to enrol on individual modules as stand-alone units, rather than committing to the whole PGCAP. Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester.

Doctoral students who teach who are interested in completing the whole PGCAP should contact Dr Heather McKiggan-Fee on

If you have questions about the PGCAP or enrolling on individual modules please check the Frequently Asked Questions section below and/or email

Programme structure

How to apply

Initial core modules: delivery format + class dates

Electives: delivery format + class dates

Capstone project module: delivery format + class dates

Frequently asked questions

Supporting university strategy