CEED Staff Profiles

The following profiles are for all the staff that work within CEED, contact details for each member of staff has been given.  For general office enquiries, please contact the General Office: +44 (01334) 46 2141.

Image of Margaret Adamson.

Margaret Adamson

Head of Learning Technology & IT Skills Development

E: mhma@st-andrews.ac.uk


Margaret’s role is to lead and support the strategic development of technology enhanced learning across the University by championing pedagogical engagement. This involves the design, development, and delivery of high quality programs of training, covering a range of learning technologies, including centrally supported systems. She also has oversight of the delivery of the IT Training strand of CEED’s activities.

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Aqsa Ashraf

CEED Administrator (part time)

E: aa368@st-andrews.ac.uk


Aqsa provides administrative support for: the Saints Skills Builder Award; U-Skills; M-Skills; St Andrews Recognition Scheme (STARS); the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) programme; 1 to 1 tutoring appointments; and various email inboxes.

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Stephanie Bowen

Operations Coordinator

E: sfm21@st-andrews.ac.uk


Stephanie is responsible for managing the administration team in CEED, and project manages a range of CEED initiatives including STEP, Transition Toolkits, Mentoring schemes and our student Skills Awards.

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Tim Childs

Digital Environments Team Leader

E: tc206@st-andrews.ac.uk

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Dr Lauren Christie

Dr Lauren Christie

Academic Staff Developer (part time)

E: lec28@st-andrews.ac.uk


Lauren is the Academic Staff Developer working across both OSDS and CEED teams at the University. This role includes helping to establish a regular programme of events, networking with academic colleagues to help support their continued development, and being involved in our induction and training events. 

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Heather Curtis

Student Developer (part time)

E: hbc@st-andrews.ac.uk


Heather works to support the skills development of students across the university, including academic, professional and digital skills.

Her projects include:

  • Supporting outreach and widening access initiatives
  • Designing and delivering a range of bespoke academic and professional skills workshops
  • Supporting students transitions throughout their university experience

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Andy Eccles

Senior Learning Technologist

E: ace8@st-andrews.ac.uk


Andy is a member of the Teaching Enhanced Learning (TEL) team and provides support and training for digital learning across the University.

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An image of Sonny Evans.

Sonny Evans

IT Training Developer

E: sm72@st-andrews.ac.uk


Sonny develops and delivers a programme of IT training workshops and options to build on your IT skills. She utilises a number of different delivery mediums such as instructor-lead courses; online resources; 1:1 training, all of which are on a range of general IT and software specific topics.

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Nathalie Ferguson

CEED Administrator (Finance)

E: nf11@st-andrews.ac.uk


Nathalie is responsible for administration relating to CEED’s finances and is the departmental Health and Safety Officer.

Nathalie's working hours are Mondays and Tuesdays (08.00 to 15.45).

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Dr Eilidh Harris

Educational and Student Developer (part time)

E: ep28@st-andrews.ac.uk


Eilidh works alongside the Head of Educational Development, as well as contributing to CEED's student development service for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students, primarily in relation to academic skills.

Please note that Eilidh works part-time; her working days are Monday-Wednesday.

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Maddy Haywood

CEED Administrator (Laidlaw)

E: mkb4@st-andrews.ac.uk


Maddy administrators the Laidlaw Scholarship program, focusing primarily on the scholarship’s finance and records. In addition, she provides administration support for CEED two day a week - including assisting with the administration of StARIS and STEP.

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Image of Heather Jeffrey

Heather Jeffrey

Digital Education Developer

E: hj29@st-andrews.ac.uk


In my role as Digital Education Developer, I work alongside the rest of the CEED team, as well as academic and professional staff from different schools, to develop a series of new postgraduate courses on the Moodle platform. I am responsible for:

  • liaising with academic staff to structure assignments, activities, discussions and learning content
  • partnering with professional staff to develop media and other digital learning resources
  • building learning materials on the Moodle platform.

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Daryl MacDougall-Haynes

Lecture Capture Coordinator

E: dkh3@st-andrews.ac.uk


Daryl's main role as the University's Lecture Capture Coordinator is to provide one-to-one and drop in support for users. His areas of responsibility for lecture capture are staff development and training; systems administration; communication and marketing, and promotion of lecture capture. Daryl also plays a role in other technology enhanced learning activities.

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An image of Heather.

Dr Heather McKiggan-Fee (SFHEA)

Head of Educational Development

E: hcm@st-andrews.ac.uk


Heather is responsible for facilitating effective teaching and academic practice across the University, including developing and supporting research postgraduates who teach, leading the University's Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) for all staff who teach, and supporting all staff who wish to apply for a category of HEA Fellowship. She is a member of the Enhancement Theme institutional team. Heather also line manages the Academic Staff Developer.

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Dr Shruti Narayanswamy

Entrepreneurial Education Developer

E: sn52@st-andrews.ac.uk


I develop, coordinate and promote a range of Entrepreneurial Education activities and initiatives for our staff and students. This includes working with the Entrepreneurial Education Working Group, coordinating the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) programme, managing the Summer Teams Enterprise Programme and the St Andrews Tesearch Internship Scheme, and the EE Staff Funding Scheme.

I am also the convenor and lecturer for the sub-honours module 'ID2007: Enterprise and Creativity'.

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Profile photo of Celina

Celina O'Connor

Student Developer (Leadership)

E: cmo6@st-andrews.ac.uk


Celina is responsible for the Leadership component of the Laidlaw Scholarship Programme. Amongst other things, this includes organising, facilitating, and delivering the programme’s leadership development aspects.

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Trish Strzelecka

CEED Postgraduate Administrator

E: ps246@st-andrews.ac.uk

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A picture of Cat Wilson

Catriona Wilson

CEED Director (part time)

E: cmw9@st-andrews.ac.uk


Cat has responsibility for directing the activities of CEED, and delivering on the relevant elements of the University's Education, People and Digital strategies. 

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Dr Rebecca Wilson

Student Developer (part time)

E: raw5@st-andrews.ac.uk


Rebecca works with the Student Development team to deliver CEED’s development service for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students, which includes academic, professional and IT Skills. 

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