Part-time local jobs

The Careers Centre advertises local part-time jobs on CareerConnect from many employers, including shops, cafés, hotels, charities, members of the community, and the University of St Andrews.

Search jobs on CareerConnect

You can also find jobs on IndeedTotaljobs and Reed.

When looking for jobs, be aware of the National Minimum Wage and consider how much time you can spare. You shouldn't work more than 20 hours a week outside of vacations.

If you are an international student on a visa, see the working in the UK page for how many hours you are allowed to work.

More options

You can apply speculatively for a part-time local job, especially for roles in the hospitality and retail sectors. This is where you submit a CV and cover letter to an employer even when they aren't advertising a job you want. Learn more about applying speculatively.

You could also apply for the St Andrews Student Ambassador Scheme. Applications usually open in September.

National Insurance numbers

You need a National Insurance (NI) number to work in the UK.

UK students will have an NI number already. International students will need to apply for an NI number.

You can work before you get your NI number if you prove you have the right to work in the UK.

Money worries

If you are struggling with your finances, the University can help you. Email to contact a money adviser in Student Services.