Russ Vince is Professor of Leadership and Change in the School of Management, the University of Bath. At the University of St Andrews School of Management, Russ is Honorary Professor of Management and member of the Knowledge and Practice thematic research group. He is an internationally recognised expert in organisational learning and action learning.
Russ was Editor-in-Chief of the international academic journal Management Learning from 2005 to 2010. He was Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Learning and Education journal from 2017 to 2020. His books include:
- Organizing reflection (Taylor and Francis, 2017)
- The Handbook of Experiential Learning and Management Education (Oxford University Press, 2007)
- Organizing Reflection (Ashgate, 2004)
- Rethinking Strategic Learning, (Routledge, 2004)
- Group Relations, Management and Organisation (Oxford University Press, 1999)
- Managing Change, (Policy Press, 1996).
Russ was the Associate Dean (Research) at Bath School of Management from January 2011 to December 2013 and coordinated the School's submission to REF 2014.
For more about his work, see Russ's web page at University of Bath.
Research areas
Russ's research is focussed on:
- management and organisational learning
- leadership and leadership development
- emotion in organisations
- application of psychoanalytic theory to the study of organisations
- the organisation of reflection
- critical action learning.
Selected publications
Open access
"I don't know what's going on": theorising the relationship between unknowingness and distributed leadership
Bloomfield, S., Rigg, C. & Vince, R., Dec 2024, In: Human Relations. 77, 12, p. 1784-1810Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Bad apples and sour grapes: how fruit and vegetable wholesalers' fantasy mediates experienced stigma
Michel, S. & Vince, R., 20 Apr 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Human Relations. OnlineFirstResearch output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Beyond the feeling individual: insights from sociology on emotions and embeddedness
Zhang, R., Voronov, M., Toubiana, M., Vince, R. & Hudson, B. A., Jul 2024, In: Journal of Management Studies. 61, 5, p. 2212-2250 39 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Mitigating anxiety: the role of strategic leadership groups during radical organizational change.
Jarrett, M. & Vince, R., 30 Apr 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Human Relations. Online FirstResearch output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review