Dr Linh Nguyen

Dr Linh Nguyen

Senior Lecturer

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 4835



Linh is a Senior Lecturer in Banking and Finance at the University of St Andrews Business School. He has also held a visiting position at the Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University, New York. Prior to his academic career, Linh served as Head of Treasury at Saigonbank in Vietnam. He holds an MA with Distinction in Banking and Finance and a PhD in Banking from Bangor University.


  • FI5310 Banking and Finance 
  • FI5442 Corporate Financial Management 

Research areas

Linh's research primarily focuses on bank corporate culture, deposit insurance, and financial regulation. His overarching goal is to understand how financial institutions create societal value and how regulatory frameworks, including deposit insurance schemes, influence this process.

In addition to exploring the impact of bank culture on financial intermediation, covering areas such as lending, deposit-taking, and risk management, Linh is engaged in studying the welfare implications of deposit insurance. His work examines how deposit insurance systems affect financial stability, risk-taking behaviors, and depositor protection.

Linh’s research has been published in top journals, including the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Journal of Financial Stability, British Accounting Review, and British Journal of Management. He currently serves as the editor of the Working Paper Series for the Centre for Responsible Banking and Finance of the University of St Andrews Business School, where he is also the Director of the MSc Banking and Finance Programme.

PhD supervision

  • Tianfangtong Zhang

Selected publications


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