The University of St Andrews Business School Brand

The University of St Andrews Business School adheres to the broader University's brand guidelines to present a clear and consistent visual and design identity across all print and digital materials.

However, the Business School uses distinct brand assets to enhance its reputation in a few select instances.

Business School staff are encouraged to follow these guidelines, and the following resources are available to assist those wishing to use these assets.

The University of St Andrews Business School vertical logo

School name

The University of St Andrews Business School is the Business School's name. You should use this consistently when first mentioning the School.

You can refer to the University of St Andrews Business School as Business School (capitalised) on the second mention.

Never refer to ourselves as 'St Andrews University Business School' or 'St Andrews Business School'.

Use 'university' (lowercase) to refer to a university in general. Use 'business school' (lowercase) when referring to business schools in general.

When referring to other higher education institutions, it's important to follow their specific naming conventions. For example:

  • the Glasgow School of Art
  • the University of Edinburgh Business School

School logos

Download colour and single-colour versions of the University of St Andrews Business School logos as PNG files below. Please note, colour versions should not be used in monochrome.

Download assets

If you require EPS vector files for publication or print material, please request the appropriate files by emailaing our Print and Design unit at

School email signature

Including a signature below your emails can help to reassure recipients you are who you say you are. Using the University of St Andrews Business School email signature is also a helpful way of developing the Business School's brand.

The Business School encourages academic staff to add their department where indicated. Business School professional services staff should not add a department.

We recommend that you follow these steps to maintain consistent formatting and avoid potential visual discrepancies.

  1. Copy the signature directly from the website.
  2. Paste the copied signature into a Word document.
  3. Make any necessary edits or formatting adjustments in Word.
  4. Copy the formatted text from Word and paste it into your Outlook signature.

Copy email signature with logos

How to update your email signature

Microsoft provides detailed instructions on updating your email signature:

Links to external sites and information: the University is not liable for external web content and may not be aware when this content is changed or removed.

School PowerPoint template

The Business School encourages staff to use the School-specific PowerPoint template, available in a 16:9 format, for all presentations.

Download PowerPoint template

University of St Andrews brand guidelines

Our brand is more than just a logo, it's the visual and verbal expression of our centuries-old legacy of academic excellence. These comprehensive guidelines govern the use of all University brand elements, ensuring our communications reflect both our distinguished heritage and our forward-thinking spirit.