Prof Peter Tyack
Professor (Research Focused) (Re-engaged)
Research areas
I am interested in the evolution of vocal learning in mammals and what effects this has on social behavior, especially mediating indvidual-specific relationships. My lab primarily studies cetaceans in the field, and we have developed new methods to sample behavior continuously from individuals. I am also concerned about the effects of anthropogenic sound on wildlife, and have studied effects of sounds such as naval sonar and airguns used for seismic survey on cetaceans.
PhD supervision
- Gabrielle Arrieta
- Dinah Hartmann
Selected publications
Open access
Decreasing body size is associated with reduced calving probability in critically endangered North Atlantic right whales
Pirotta, E., Tyack, P. L., Durban, J. W., Fearnbach, H., Hamilton, P., Harris, C. M., Knowlton, A., Kraus, S. D., Miller, C., Moore, M., Pettis, H., Photopoulou, T., Rolland, R., Schick, R. & Thomas, L., 28 Feb 2024, In: Royal Society Open Science. 11, 2, 8 p., 240050.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Monitoring Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Welfare During a Functional Neuroimaging Study
Ames, A. E., Agustí, C., Dick, F., Talló-Parra, O., Price, A., Álvarez, T. Á., Párraga, D. G., Lozano, J. A., Quintero, A. G., Monne, A. R., Ten-Esteve, A., Almendros-Riaza, A., Uus, A., Gomez, M., Marti-Bonmati, L., Shinn-Cunningham, B. & Tyack, P. L., 2024, In: Aquatic Mammals. 50, 6, p. 495-525 31 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Anthropogenic noise impairs cooperation in bottlenose dolphins
Sørensen, P. M., Haddock, A., Guarino, E., Jaakkola, K., McMullen, C., Jensen, F. H., Tyack, P. L. & King, S. L., 27 Feb 2023, In: Current Biology. 33, 4, p. 749-754 11 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Bottlenose dolphin mothers modify signature whistles in the presence of their own calves
Sayigh, L. S., El Haddad, N., Tyack, P. L., Janik, V. M., Wells, R. S. & Jensen, F. H., 4 Jul 2023, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120, 27, 6 p., e2300262120.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Estimating the effects of stressors on the health, survival and reproduction of a critically endangered, long-lived species
Pirotta, E., Schick, R., Hamilton, P., Harris, C. M., Hewitt, J., Knowlton, A. R., Kraus, S., Meyer-Gutbrod, E., Moore, M. J., Pettis, H., Photopoulou, T., Rolland, R., Tyack, P. L. & Thomas, L., 4 May 2023, In: Oikos. 2023, 5, 15 p., e09801.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Latencies of click-evoked auditory responses in a harbor porpoise exceed the time interval between subsequent echolocation clicks
Beedholm, K., Ladegaard, M., Madsen, P. T. & Tyack, P. L., 7 Feb 2023, In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 153, 2, p. 952-960 9 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Comparison of the marine soundscape before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in dolphin habitat in Sarasota Bay, FL
Longden, E. G., Gillespie, D., Mann, D., McHugh, K. A., Rycyk, A. M., Wells, R. & Tyack, P. L., 2 Dec 2022, In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 152, 4, 16 p., A24.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Managing the effects of multiple stressors on wildlife populations in their ecosystems: developing a cumulative risk approach
Tyack, P. L., Thomas, L., Costa, D., Hall, A. J., Harris, C. M., Harwood, J., Krauss, S., Miller, P. J., Moore, M., Photopoulou, T., Pirotta, E., Rolland, R., Schwacke, L., Simmons, S. & Southall, B., 30 Nov 2022, In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological Sciences. 289, 1987, 15 p., 20222058.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Parameterizing animal sounds and motion with animal-attached tags to study acoustic communication
Casoli, M., Johnson, M., McHugh, K. A., Wells, R. S. & Tyack, P. L., Apr 2022, In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 76, 4, 21 p., 59.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Social organization of baleen whales
Tyack, P. L., 3 Jul 2022, Ethology and behavioral ecology of mysticetes. Clark, C. W. & Garland, E. C. (eds.). Cham: Springer Nature, p. 147-175 29 p. (Ethology and behavioral ecolocy of marine mammals).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter