Prof David Paterson

Prof David Paterson

Executive Director of MASTS


Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3467


Research areas

Ecology, biodiversity and dynamics of marine systems

My research concerns the ecology and dynamics of marine systems with a strong focus on the "biodiversity-ecosystem function" debate and the dynamics of marine microbiota. This work is supported by extensive field studies and laboratory mesocosms often using multiple stressors. This adds aspects of climate change research including the combined effects of temperature and CO2 on system response. The primary productivity of coastal systems is an important functional response and is also under investigation using fluorescence techniques. This work includes interdisciplinary studies of "biogenic stabilisation" by microbes and microphytobenthos, through the extracellular polymers produced by biofilms that increase the critical threshold for sediment re-suspension. We have also developed novel techniques to measure the stability of sediments in situ, and the relative adhesion capacity of different biofilms and surfaces. Recently, we have also been using molecular techniques to examine the effects of both natural (e.g. bioturbation) and anthropogenic (e.g. toxins, plastics, climate change) stressors on marine microbial systems. This is now encompassing work with industry on the ecology of man-made offshore structures (oil and gas installations and wind farms). 

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