Grassroots: Artmaking and Political Struggle

22 April 2021
This series of online events, Grassroots: Artmaking and Political Struggle, explores relationships between art, activism and political organising in Britain during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Across six panels over three days, speakers will take a number of different approaches to thinking about how art works and visual culture both interrelate with, and have acted as, catalysts for social change. Papers range from considerations of how artists have created alternative infrastructures, intervened in state organisations, worked together collaboratively, engaged with labour and activist struggles, as well as established channels of production, circulation and distribution. Using feminist, decolonial and queer theoretical approaches, the speakers address how intersections between art making and political struggle in Britain during these decades transformed culture in ways that continue to resonate with the contemporary moment.
For the full schedule and to book tickets, please visit the Kettle's Yard website:
Image Caption: See Red Women’s Workshop, Black Women Do Not Be Intimidated, 1977, licensed through Creative Commons.
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