Week of Events
Language and Mind seminar: Christoph Hoerl
Language and Mind seminar: Christoph Hoerl
Memory and the feeling of pastness Recent accounts of episodic memory have revived some ideas familiar from the ‘empiricist theory of memory’, which go back...
FPST Seminar – Tommy Curry (Edinburgh)
FPST Seminar – Tommy Curry (Edinburgh)
Title: Phallicism as Racism against the Male Target: Dehumanization, Misandric Aggression, and the Splitting of Gender. Abstract: Much of the current theory explaining the vulnerability...
Metaphysics and Logic Seminar x FPST Seminar: Marta Sznajder (University of Vienna)
Metaphysics and Logic Seminar x FPST Seminar: Marta Sznajder (University of Vienna)
Janina Hosiasson’s logic of rational degrees of belief: subjective probability before and after Ramsey Abstract: In 1931, Janina Hosiasson-Lindenbaum proposed a proto-decision-theoretic answer to the...
Plenary Discussion Brunch with Marta Sznajder (University of Vienna)
Plenary Discussion Brunch with Marta Sznajder (University of Vienna)
Topic: Writing the history of women in analytic philosophy - how and why?
Epistemology Seminar: Viviane Fairbank (St Andrews & Stirling)
Epistemology Seminar: Viviane Fairbank (St Andrews & Stirling)
Speaker: Viviane Fairbank (St Andrews & Stirling) Should Science Journalists Know About Science? Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, many journalists in the 2000s reported...