Title: The Sex/Gender Distinction, Revisited Abstract: This talk will build on an earlier chapter in my thesis where I sketched out two conceptual resources from...
Title: Saying Something with Nothing Abstract: Ontological nihilism is the view that fundamentally there are no objects. Whilst it is an increasingly popular view, nihilists...
Philip Ebert (University of Stirling): Varieties of Risk Pluralism (joint work with N. Pedersen) The dominant approach in the literature on risk is to adopt...
Title: Beyond Speech: Pictures and Oppression Abstract: Philosophical work on oppressive forms of expression strongly tends to give verbal and written linguistic expression pride of...
Title: Commitment Issues? Nominalism and the Semantics of Empty Terms (In Late-Medieval Logic) Abstract: Usually, the label "Nominalism" evokes sorne kind of ontological parsimony. Ockham's...
Rumfitt, Ian (2015). The Boundary Stones of Thought: An Essay in the Philosophy of Logic. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Ch. 8: The Challenge from Vagueness...
Title: Beyond Speech: Pictures and Oppression Abstract: Philosophical work on oppressive forms of expression strongly tends to give verbal and written linguistic expression pride of...
This Friday, the Arché term wraps up with another all-day all-Arché get-together, featuring research presentations from Sabina Domínguez Parrado, Lara Scheibli, Stephen Read, and Franz Berto,...
Title: Beyond Speech: Pictures and Oppression Abstract: Philosophical work on oppressive forms of expression strongly tends to give verbal and written linguistic expression pride of...