Title: Why Professors Should Not Sleep With Their Students – The Epistemology of Consent and Professor-Student Sex Abstract: My main interest is explaining the wrong...
Justin Snedegar to lead discussion on "Disagreement and Alienation" by Marusic and White (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/phpe.12197) Abstract: This paper proposes to reorient the philosophical debate about peer...
Though faced with Kripke’s clear knock-down objection, Don’t be too quick with tracking-the-truth rejection. OK, one knows a red barn for its hue, Yet knows...
Stell, J. G. (2000). Boolean connection algebras: A new approach to the Region-Connection Calculus. Artificial Intelligence 122 (1-2):111-136. https://philpapers.org/rec/STEBCA-5
Title: Queer/Gender/History This event will begin at 3:15 instead of the usual 3pm. Abstract: What can history contribute to contemporary understandings of Gender and Queerness?...
This week, we’ll be discussing epistemic consequentialism. I’ll start by giving some background on the topic more generally and presenting some problems that have been...
Sections 5-8 of: Stell, J. G. (2000). Boolean connection algebras: A new approach to the Region-Connection Calculus. Artificial Intelligence 122 (1-2):111-136. https://philpapers.org/rec/STEBCA-5
Title: Beyond Speech: Pictures and Oppression Abstract: Philosophical work on oppressive forms of expression strongly tends to give verbal and written linguistic expression pride of...
Title: The Sex/Gender Distinction, Revisited Abstract: This talk will build on an earlier chapter in my thesis where I sketched out two conceptual resources from...
Title: Saying Something with Nothing Abstract: Ontological nihilism is the view that fundamentally there are no objects. Whilst it is an increasingly popular view, nihilists...
Philip Ebert (University of Stirling): Varieties of Risk Pluralism (joint work with N. Pedersen) The dominant approach in the literature on risk is to adopt...