Title: Understanding the Metaphysics of Pregnancy and its Implications Abstract: Around the world, many countries have legislation in place which limits access to reproductive rights....
Neutrality and Neutralism Workshop Arché Research Centre, University of St Andrews November 30th – December 1st 2023. Venue: School II, United College, St Salvator's Quad,...
Abstract: I’ll be sharing some of the work in progress on my dissertation, where I inquire about the relationship between understanding and responsible belief. Drawing...
This week we are doing a reading group on Carl Cassegård and Håkan Thörn Towards a Critique of the Environmental Movement. (chapter 5 of Post-Apocalyptic...
Title: On the Plurality of Analyses: From Lewis Back to Russell and Moore Abstract: It is often argued that, amongst the various existing philosophical traditions,...
It is a hallmark of social and psychological science that its findings should be reproducible across relevant contexts, playing a key role in showcasing the...
Title: Motion(less) Pictures and Temporal Appearances Abstract: In this session I will present some work-in-progress which connects issues in the philosophy of mind, concerning temporal...
Title: On the Hyperintensions of Properties Abstract: Hyperintensionalists encounter two serious problems that cast doubt on their view of property identity, both stem from when...