Title: Purely perspectival ignorance and purely perspectival differences Abstract: One might hold that de se and self-locating beliefs associated to 'I' and 'now' are philosophically significant but disagree with...
Title: Impossibility results in the theory of partial truth and subject-matters Abstract: Truth is nice but sometimes (for prudential, pragmatic or metaontological reasons) we can...
Title: Causes and correlations in the link between language and mindreading Abstract: This paper proposes a developmental link between language and mindreading. It puts forward two...
Title: Avoid Inconsistency? Two Accounts of Incompatibility Abstract: Many take inconsistent states to be not only self-incompatible, but also to be incompatible with every other...
Abstract: In this chapter, I present a novel argument for optimism about moral testimony, the view that it is permissible to rely on moral testimony when...
Title: Topics in Counterfactual Semantics Abstract: This paper develops a 2-component update semantics for counterfactual conditionals. It does so by taking basic update semantics and...
We are planning to have three reading sessions in October and November. We will read Williamson's 'Vagueness' (on 24th Oct, 31st Oct and 7th Nov). This week,...
Abstract: It has been widely discussed that systematic communicative disablements - such as disbelief, misinterpretation and unintelligibility - can be unjust. Our communicative practises extend beyond merely sharing information; we...
We'll have the second session of our reading meeting on 'Vagueness' (Williamson, 1994). This week we'll discuss Chapter 5. Rasmus will be leading the discussion. We'll...
Title: Grounding Gender in Gender Identity Abstract: Contra recent proposals, for instance by Dembroff (2018) and Jenkins (2023), I’ll argue for the Real Gender assumption,...
Title: The Modal Disunity of Metaphysical Truths Abstract: Systematicity has good claim to being a theoretical virtue: that is, for candidate theories T1 and T2,...
Abstract: Recent research on conspiracy theories, in philosophy as well as in other fields, has tended to focus on beliefs that are (from a ‘mainstream’ perspective...