Metaphysics & Logic Conference – ‘Metaphysical Indeterminacy’
June 17 - June 18
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Might reality itself be indeterminate? And if so, how can we coherently theorise about it? This conference seeks to bring together researchers interested in this emerging topic and be an occasion to widen and deepen the debate around it. To reflect the interdisciplinary interest in this topic, the conference will feature contributions from traditional metaphysics, social ontology and science-informed metaphysics.
Location: TBC
Confirmed speakers:
- Aaron J Cotnoir (University of St Andrews)
- George Darby (Oxford Brookes University)
- Maureen Donnelly (University at Buffalo)
- Kevin Richardson (Duke University)
- Alessandro Torza (University of Parma)
- J. Robert G. Williams (University of Leeds)
In addition to the invited speakers, a call for extended abstracts will be announced by the end of January for those interested in contributing.
For further info, feel free to send an email to
Sponsors (provisional): Arché Research Centre, Aristotelian Society, Mind Association
This event is affiliated with the Metaphysics and Logic Research Group.